a Performance Bowling Green and Money in the Bank!
“every club’s dream is now a reality”
To finally play on the Smooth, True and Fast green you’ve always wanted, Performance Bowling Greens is the ultimate practical guide.
Performance Bowling Greens is the simple step by step eBook that shows you exactly how to create a bowling green that performs to tournament standards consistently. Written by a Master Greenkeeper speaking from over 3 decades of experience and knowledge.
Available Now for Instant Download, the quicker you get started, the sooner you’ll be playing on the ultimate, High Performance Bowling Green
In a few minutes from now you can be reading our best selling eBook: Performance Bowling Greens…a practical guide by Master Greenkeeper John Quinn and it will transform your bowling (and greenkeeping) experience.
Read it on any device including your desktop computer, laptop, iPad, tablet or phone. Print it out in full or just the pages you need right now if you want to make notes down at the green.
Save your Bowling Club £ hundreds in Maintenance Costs, every year!
Every year bowls clubs everywhere spend a sackful of cash on greenkeeping.
A lot of that expenditure is not just unnecessary; in a lot of cases it is actually making the green worse into the bargain.
After 36 years as a greenkeeper and adviser to clubs, the author John has developed a program that works. A program that is not just good for the green and the sport of your members, but one that saves clubs money on greenkeeping expenses too!
For less than the cost of a cheap bag of fertiliser you are about to have the most valuable 100 pages of greenkeeping information available anywhere, in your own hands. You can start applying this knowledge immediately, regardless of the season. You can feel safe in the knowledge that you’ll be improving your green for good and saving your club substantial wasted time, effort and money!
The Ultimate Guide to Bowling Green Maintenance
Performance Bowling Greens, a practical guide is available for immediate download NOW! and right now, this is the definitive guide to achieving the level of bowling green performance you previously only dreamed of.
You’ll be amazed at what you find Inside your copy of ‘Performance Bowling Greens, a practical guide.
The myths of greenkeeping exposed
John, blows away all of the commonly held myths about bowling green maintenance that have left you with not only a disappointing green, but also a lot of mis-information about greenkeeping that has continued to hold you back from creating the green you want.
“Hi John, I followed your advice at the end of my first season as green keeper ( 2 yrs ago) and the first year was fair to bad , green improved but was still heavy and not as flat as I would have liked but it played, then we came to the 2nd season and I followed your advice to the letter, the green was superb, we had the Kent ladies play their final on it and the comments were music to my ears. Kind Regards and Thanks…Tony”
Some of the greenkeeping practices routinely carried out at bowling clubs have become traditions; repeated because we think we have to, with no good agronomic reason. In many cases you might be surprised to find that these can actually make your green worse. John exposes these expensive greenkeeping “traditions” that run away with cash and actually harm your green
Easy to Follow
John Quinn uses his experience as a teacher and lecturer in greenkeeping to reveal an amazingly simple but powerful formula that you can follow to turn the performance of your green around starting today. The book includes full maintenance schedules for bowling greens at all stages of need, so that you’ll always be clear on what needs to be done
Save Money
Perhaps the most surprising thing about John’s Performance Greens Program is the fact that many clubs end up spending less money on maintenance over time while still achieving the kind of performance improvements they couldn’t even imagine before. Inside you will find full details on how to implement a sustainable and common sense approach to future maintenance that will allow your green to continue improving for ever more
Fast Track your Greenkeeping Knowledge
Inside this 100 page eBook, written in John’s easy to follow, conversational style, you will discover what is actually going on under the surface of your green so that you can easily measure progress at each step of the way. Soil science and plant physiology are introduced and explained in a way that makes these vast and often difficult subjects easily accessible to the amateur greenkeeper. You’ll never be stuck for knowledge on what products, techniques or equipment to use either, as John covers these in detail.

You’ll be Annoyed
You’ll be surprised, annoyed or maybe even furious when John shows you how the majority of problems experienced on bowling greens are related very closely to just one common maintenance assumption (mistake) that nearly every bowling club makes every year. The turf maintenance industry doesn’t want you to know about this one!
A Comprehensive Plan for the Future
Since its launch, Performance Bowling Greens has become by far the best selling of our titles here on Bowls Central. As a Bowling GreenKeeper, even if you’re just starting out, like hundreds of other readers you will just click with this book as it leaves you with a comprehensive plan for your future maintenance, that will not only result in a high performance green, but will actually save the majority of UK clubs money on their maintenance bills.
“Hi John, We have just purchased two of your ebooks and we are very impressed with the advice you give in them and the methods you use, thanks, Norman”

Not Just an eBook, but also Truly Unlimited Support
Keeping the best for last, you will be delighted at the level of support that comes with this eBook should you need it. Here’s how one reader describes it:
“John’s book was the catalyst for starting the improvement, but we found that “let’s ask John” became almost a catchphrase among us whenever a problem arose. Without fail, first thing the next morning we had received advice and encouragement on how to resolve the matter” RM
John provides all of his readers with a uniquely personal email support system. Many email newbies have realised that they need to check their inboxes more regularly. A question about bowling green maintenance to John usually triggers a fast and comprehensive response, often catching readers out with the speed and depth of reply. Readers routinely send John photos to look at and problems to solve, including questions on machinery, techniques, materials and products.
So as you can see, ‘Performance Bowling Greens, a practical guide’ is a very important resource for bowling clubs , but what we’ve told you so far really is just scratching the surface. This ebook is also packed with tips and observations from John gleaned from 3 decades of greenkeeping experience. All of the information is put across in an easy to read, conversational style, with explanations and diagrams for the more complex issues.
The best time to start your Bowling Green Transformation is NOW
Get your copy of Performance Bowling Greens instantly by clicking on the Buy Now button below.
“Hi John, I followed your advice at the end of my first season as green keeper (2 yrs ago) and the first year was fair to bad , green improved but was still heavy and not as flat as I would have liked but it played, then we came to the 2nd season and I followed your advice to the letter, the green was superb, we had the Kent ladies play their final on it and the comments were music to my ears. Kind Regards and Thanks…Tony”
(*limited time offer for UK customers only)