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Full Suite Soil Analysis (Chemical and Physical)




The full suite includes full Chemical and Physical (PSD) analysis of your green’s soil (rootzone) as follows:

Comprehensive Chemical Analysis of your green’s soil (rootzone).

Details of all Primary, Secondary and Trace elements, Cation Exchange Capacity, Base Saturation, Electrical Conductivity, Organic Matter and pH.

Full textural Particle Size Distribution analysis of your green’s soil (rootzone). This test can determine whether or not your green is too sandy and help with green-keeping programming in terms of fertilisation, aeration and top-dressing.

You will receive a soil sampling kit with instructions for taking and returning (freepost) your soil samples to the lab. Your results will be analysed by a Master Greenkeeper and will come back from Bowls Central by email and will include a comprehensive report explaining the test results and what this means for the maintenance of your green. Further advice will be provided as required.

Additional information

Weight 0.1 kg


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