Home » 3,4,5 Triangles, Pythagoras and the Bowling Green

3,4,5 Triangles, Pythagoras and the Bowling Green

Here’s a little bitesize course to help you mark out rinks on your green from scratch using a bit of old school maths.

You’ll need a long tape measure…preferably a proper marking out one, I think mine is 30 meters and reels up a bit like a fishing reel, some metal pins for sticking in the ground and/or nails for the edge boards and a long piece of string or rope…and a friend if possible.

  1. Mark out a 3m, 4m, 5m (diagram below not to scale) right angled triangle with a long tape measure and pegs with the right angle corresponding to the point you want to make your rink mark (edge, centre or intermediate mark), hammer in a nail or drive a peg in to the ditch at this mark. By making sure the 3 sides of your triangle measure exactly 3, 4 and 5 metre you will achieve a perfect right angle where the 3meter and 4 meter sides meet.
  2. Set up your measurements so that the right angle corresponds with the mark you are creating (rink edge, centre line or intermediate as appropriate). With the right angle and the opposite end of the 3meter side secured, you can move around to get your 4 meter and 5 meter sides perfect.
  3. ​Once you have it all set up and secured you can confidently run a string line (yellow line on diagram) from your right angle pin/nail along the 4 meter side of the triangle to the other end of the green, check you’re lined up with the 4m edge properly and mark accordingly at the other end.
  4. Repeat for all of the marks you need on your edging.

345 marking out