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Bowls Central

My Bowls Green is a Disaster what can be done?

Get back to the basics of thatch and compaction control

Here we go with our next web search term that resulted in someone finding this site.

I picked this one today, because it sounds like this search was instigated by someone who really needs help quickly.

This kind of situation calls for a level headed approach. At times like this, when it appears that all is lost and you feel like digging up the green and starting again, it’s easy to over-engineer the solution or indeed to be accepting of an over-engineered solution put forward by an “expert”.

However, it usually pays to go back to basics and here is a checklist you should go through to begin with:

  1. How thick is the thatch layer?
  2. Is there a hard compacted pan and if so, at what depth?
  3. Is there loss of grass cover and to what extent (percentage)?
  4. How much of the green is affected by Localised Dry Patch?
  5. How regularly is fungal disease a problem?
  6. Is there slime and/or algae present on the surface?
  7. Is the surface spongy?
  8. What is the soil pH?

Most greens in very poor condition are suffering due to excessive thatch and compaction and making a start on these cannot do any harm.

So making sure you have a significant thatch removal program and compaction relief schedule for the autumn and winter is the first thing.

That will make good use of the time whilst gathering the other evidence. The answers to these questions will form the basis of your green turnaround program.

And you will be surprised at how quickly things start to improve when you get back to basics.

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