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Soil Chemical and Peak Sand (Texture Analysis)


Frequently bought together

Greenkeeper's Best Friend (Soil Sampler)

Quickly and easily identify:

  • Thatch
  • Compaction
  • Localised Dry Patch
  • Pests
  • Soil moisture levels
  • Layers
  • Root-break
  • Rooting depth


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Comprehensive Chemical Analysis and Peak Sand (Texture Assessment) of your green’s soil (rootzone). You will receive soil sample bags with instructions for taking and returning (freepost) your soil samples to the lab.

The results will come back to you from Bowls Central with a full report detailing all Primary, Secondary and Trace elements, Cation Exchange Capacity, Base Saturation, Electrical Conductivity, Organic Matter, pH and your soil’s position on the Soil Texture Triangle (assessed by the Laser Diffraction method and alerting you to your greens proximity to Peak Sand).

Includes a full report written by a Master Greenkeeper with comprehensive 12 month greenkeeping program for your green. Unlimited support and further advice will be provided as required.

Join the Academy Today to get this service FREE


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