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Humigranule (16kg)


You can now add humus to bowling greens and sports pitches easily to help counteract the problems caused by excess sand in the rootzone..
80% Humus in an easy to apply granular form.
Natural soil amendment rich in humic acids. Helps to re-build soil health in high sand rootzones.
HumiGranule™ is granulated using naturally occurring material that is extremely rich in humic substances. It contains both humic and fulvic acids.
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You can now add humus to bowling greens and sports turf greens and pitches easily to help counteract excessive sand.
80% Humus in an easy to apply granular form.
Natural soil amendment rich in humic acids. Helps to re-build soil health in high sand rootzones.
HumiGranule is made from naturally occurring material that is extremely rich in humic substances. It contains both humic and fulvic acids.
  • Improves soil structure
  • Increases nutrient exchange and retention, CEC within root zones
  • Stimulates microbial growth
  • You can now add humus to bowling greens easily to help counteract excessive sand
  • Improves nutrient absorption & increases nutrient uptake, especially micro nutrients
  • Stabilises pH
  • Increases stress tolerance within the plant
  • Increases root development
  • Improves seed germination
  • Easily applied through fertiliser spinners or top dressing equipment
  • A source of energy for soil microbes present in the root zone
  • A source of organic carbon necessary for healthy root zones
  • Enhances shoot and root growth in turf
  • Greater chlorophyll content

Total Humus content: 80% minimum

Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC): 600 meq

Granule size:  1 – 3mm

Application Guide:
Apply 10 bags after Hollow Tining in Autumn or as Directed in your Bowls Central Greenkeeping Programme

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Additional information

Weight 16 kg


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