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PotSi (10 Litre)


PotSi offers the following benefits:

  • Stronger plant growth, reducing susceptibility to pests and disease
  • Thicker cell walls increase the grass plant’s natural defence mechanisms
  • Improved leaf erectness which helps with the control of Annual Meadowgrass and improves green speed and smoothness without lowering the height of cut.
  • Helps control and reduce iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) toxicity, common in sandy rootzones where high salt mineral fertilisers have been deployed in the past.
  • Reduces susceptibility to attack from fungal pathogens like Fusarium and Dollar Spot
  • Reduces susceptibility to attack from root herbivores and sucking insects like Leatherjackets and Chafers
  • Increases resistance to drought, heat and cold stress
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Enhances the grass plants growth, strength and resistance to pests and disease

When it comes to plant nutrition silicon (Si) is often referred to as the forgotten element. In fact silicon plays a vital role within plant structure improving plant growth, strength and health.

When silicon enters the plant it accumulates around the epidermis of roots and shoots where it forms a silicon gel that, in combination with calcium and pectins help to strengthen and stabilise cell walls. The silica moves between cell walls and is also laid down in the epidermal cells. Silica is deposited in the endodermis of roots.

The presence of silica in the plant decreases moisture losses to evapo-transpiration thus improving tolerance to heat and drought and helping to combat the problems associated with Localised Dry Patch.

Tests have shown that plants deposit silicon at the site of fungus infections to combat penetration of cell walls by fungal spores. Silicon maximises the grass plant’s natural production of phytoalexin compounds which help it to resist invasion by pathogens.

Liquid PotSi is formulated for fast and effective assimilation into plant tissues.

PotSi offers the following benefits:

  • Stronger plant growth, reducing susceptibility to pests and disease
  • Thicker cell walls increase the grass plant’s natural defence mechanisms
  • Improved leaf erectness which helps with the control of Annual Meadowgrass and improves green speed and smoothness without lowering the height of cut.
  • Helps control and reduce iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) toxicity, common in sandy rootzones where high salt mineral fertilisers have been deployed in the past.
  • Reduces susceptibility to attack from fungal pathogens like Fusarium and Dollar Spot
  • Reduces susceptibility to attack from root herbivores and sucking insects like Leatherjackets and Chafers
  • Increases resistance to drought, heat and cold stress


1500m2 Bowling Green Application: 375-750mls (0.25ml – 0.50ml/m2) in 75-125 litres of water. Can be applied at 6 weekly intervals. We recommend a maximum of 5 applications per year.

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