Essential Greenkeeping tasks for March include aeration, moss control, microbe boosting, disease prevention and keeping the surface clear of worm casts. Now is the time to make soil nutrient balance corrections and to get some starter fertiliser and bio-stimulants on to boost soil microbial activity and get the grass growing well. Take advantage of my soil analysis service for a positive start to the 2019 season with a done for you greenkeeping schedule.
Category: Performance Bowling Greens Schedule
Performance Greenkeeping tasks for November
Essential Greenkeeping tasks for November include aeration, disease prevention and keeping the surface clear of worm casts.
Before and After
I had a nice email from a Bowls Central reader yesterday with before and after photos related to him starting to follow the advice on the site here.
Thanks Ron!

Performance Greenkeeping Tasks for September
Greenkeeping Tasks for September and October have become to some degree a bit repetitive. This would be fine if the desired results followed, but in the majority of cases this can't be said to be true. This month John explains the science behind the perfect autumn renovation plan to get your green started down the road to consistent high performance.
Performance Greenkeeping tasks for August
August is upon us and the days are shortening noticeably already. Thought's might already be turning to autumn and the plan for renovations of the green. My Greencraft Column in Bowls International this month explains how you can assess your green and make the right decisions for autumn renovation works.