The Scandinavian Turfgrass and Environment Research Foundation (STERF ) invited greenkeepers, turf grass agronomists, consultants and all others to probably the most interesting turf grass seminar this year. Researchers from US, UK, Norway and Denmark presented the latest from fine fescue research, and experienced greenkeepers from Ireland, France, Sweden, Scotland and Denmark revealed their thoughts and experiences with fescue.
The group visited Elisefarm Golf Club, established in 2005. It was the first golf course to bring back fescue to Sweden in recent times, situated in Höör, just north of Malmö. After that the group visited the more than one hundred year old Copenhagen Golf Club, resided just north of the capital of Denmark in the wonderful open, mature woodland with hundreds of deer walking about the course.
Day two was a presentations and discussions day at the University of Copenhagen.
More information about the outcomes of the event here.