Home » Shop » Liquid N Slow Release 28.0.0 (10L)

Liquid N Slow Release 28.0.0 (10L)


  • Combined fast and slow release Nitrogen source 28.0.0
  • Increased shoot and root development
  • Improved plant nutritional health
  • Provides sustained ‘Green-up’
  • Promotes beneficial soil microorganisms activity
  • No impact on substrate pH
  • Will not scorch or burn
  • Non hazardous product
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  • Combined fast and slow release Nitrogen source 28.0.0
  • Increased shoot and root development
  • Improved plant nutritional health
  • Provides sustained ‘Green-up’
  • Promotes beneficial soil microorganisms activity
  • No impact on substrate pH
  • Will not scorch or burn
  • Non hazardous product

LIQUID N SLOW RELEASE contains 28% w/w nitrogen. 60% of the total
nitrogen is in the slow release form of Methylene di-urea, which
is broken down and released by microbial action. 40% is fast
acting Ureic Nitrogen which is immediately available to the
plant. Liquid N has a low surface run off and leaching
potential. 11.2% Ureic Nitrogen & 16.8% Methylene di-urea

SLOW RELEASE N has two modes of action; slower and fast
release urea forms, which provide a complete and sustained
system of feeding the plant, encouraging and promoting the
beneficial soil microbes whilst ensuring healthier and longer
lasting plant root, shoot growth and robust dense swards.

SLOW RELEASE N also provides sustained ‘green-up’ ideal for
tournaments, aesthetics and appearance of the playing surface.

SLOW RELEASE N provides an excellent source of plant
Nitrogen, promotes the soil food web and mineralisation,
without causing excessive soft growth. SLOW RELEASE N will not
scorch or burn the grass plant and has no impact on the
substrate pH. The liquid formulation has a lower salt index and
consequently is far less detrimental than other inorganic high
Nitrogen formulations. SLOW RELEASE N will not create osmotic
stress to either the plant or beneficial soil microorganisms.

SLOW RELEASE N can be tank mixed with Compost Teas,
Biostimulants and most of our other products.

LONGEVITY of SLOW RELEASE N is expected to be between 6-8
weeks, but may last up to 10 weeks in some conditions;
depending upon substrate type, amount of organic matter,
ambient conditions and the quantity of beneficial soil microbes.


Apply as required at a rate of 20L- 50L per hectare during the
growing season.

Foliar Application Dilute in 300L – 400L of water per hectare.
Do not water in after application.

Soil Drench May be tank mixed with Bio stimulants and
Compost Tea in 500-600L water avoid mixing with highly
acidic products

Always conduct a bucket test before mixing.

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Additional information

Weight 10 kg


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