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Insect and Disease Resilience Bundle


BioActive KitoPlus Easy (1 litre) × 2

BioActive KitoPlusTM Easy is an effective soil improver enabling the growth of healthy, vigorous plants of good colour and with the ability to resist damage from abiotic and biotic stresses, diseases and insect pests. This product can improve both the rhizosphere and phyllosphere, and therefore boost beneficial microorganism populations, including mycorrhizae, enabling improved nutrient assimilation.

PotSi (10 Litre)

PotSi offers the following benefits:

  • Stronger plant growth, reducing susceptibility to pests and disease
  • Thicker cell walls increase the grass plant's natural defence mechanisms
  • Improved leaf erectness which helps with the control of Annual Meadowgrass and improves green speed and smoothness without lowering the height of cut.
  • Helps control and reduce iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) toxicity, common in sandy rootzones where high salt mineral fertilisers have been deployed in the past.
  • Reduces susceptibility to attack from fungal pathogens like Fusarium and Dollar Spot
  • Reduces susceptibility to attack from root herbivores and sucking insects like Leatherjackets and Chafers
  • Increases resistance to drought, heat and cold stress

BioActive MolTurf 10 Litre

BioActive MolTurf® is an award winning liquid carbohydrate.  BioActive MolTurf® contains naturally sourced carbohydrates and trace elements that energise the turf grass plant metabolism and stimulates microbial activity around the root and leaves.  BioActive MolTurf® is a natural carbon balancer that increases the efficiency of nitrogen utilisation allowing less nitrogen to be applied.  BioActive MolTurf® provides a quickly available carbon food source for microbes that live around turf grass roots, thus helping to reduce fungicide and fertiliser applications.  Use on all turf grass surfaces and root zones for faster playing surfaces.

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With an extensive root system that plays a critical role in their survival and prosperity, grass plants have evolved various mechanisms to protect their roots from insect herbivores. These root defences range from physical and chemical traits to more indirect forms of protection. This pack will help you to apply a natural greenkeeping strategy against insect pests and disease, that works with the plants’ to boost and enhance their natural in-built defence mechanisms.

Insect and Disease Resilience Bundle Suggested Application Guide

Apply these products individually as shown. Do not tank mix with any other products. Use at least 75 litres of water for Liquid Potsi and Molturf applications and at least 50 litres of water for Kito Plus Easy applications.

Complete with a free download of the Performance Bowling Greens eBook.

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Additional information

BioActive KitoPlus Easy (1 litre)

Weight 1 kg

PotSi (10 Litre)

Weight 10 kg

BioActive MolTurf 10 Litre

Weight 10 kg


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