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Mycorrhizal Turf Root Developer – 6 bowling green applications


For rapid development and lower cost maintenance of seeded or turfed sports surfaces

Sports Turf Root Developer is a high quality inoculant containing a range of different species of beneficial endo-mycorrhizae and a range of beneficial bacteria species. Containing 50,000 propagules/g of mycorrhizae and 10⁷ of bacteria (20 different species & strains) in an optimised ratio, Sports Turf Root Developer provides an ideal solution for populating root zone soils and establishing biological activity.

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For rapid development and lower cost maintenance of seeded or turfed sports surfaces

Sports Turf Root Developer is a high quality inoculant containing a range of different species of beneficial endo-mycorrhizae and a range of beneficial bacteria species. Containing 50,000 propagules/g of mycorrhizae and 10⁷ of bacteria (20 different species & strains) in an optimised ratio, Sports Turf Root Developer provides an ideal solution for populating root zone soils and establishing biological activity.

Our product offers the following benefits:
• Faster grow in and establishment of new greens and pitches
• Promotes establishment and longevity of fine grasses
• Stimulates and promotes root growth increasing root mass
• Enhances nutrient uptake
• Increases plant tolerance to drought and stress conditions
• Healthy grass is less susceptible to damage and recovers faster from disease

The soil in new sand-dominated sports pitches is almost sterile. Sports Turf Root Developer contains live spores of beneficial mycorrhizal fungi, growth-promoting soil fungi and bacteria, carbon, and organic soil nutrients to kick-start the soil’s natural food web. This is essential for rapid establishment of newly seeded or turfed areas and to improve grass root growth and stress recovery.
Mycorrhizae are essential for grass health, attaching to the roots, they can increase the surface area for nutrient and water uptake by over 300%.

Bent, fescue and rye grasses rely heavily on mycorrhizal and other soil fungi for survival in nature. In sports turf, levels of mycorrhizae are low or non-existent due to near sterile soils, compaction, chemical and high inorganic nutrient use. The result is a weakened sward, which suffers more from drought stress, nutrient leaching, and disease and is quickly dominated by Poa annua, a grass that relies less on mycorrhiza for its survival in sports turf environments and more on seed head production.

Precautions: Mycorrhizal fungi are susceptible to some systemic fungicides that may adversely affect activity.
Mycorrhizal fungi are effective in the soil with a pH between 3.5 & 8.0.


For average size bowling greens, add 160grams (divided evenly over the number of tanks needed to cover the green) to the spray tank with regular low salt bio fertiliser applications and/or compost tea/bio-stimulant applications. Apply monthly from April to September, preferably after mini tining or sarrell rolling.

For best results use low salt fertilisers;
BioActive ProloNg® mini low salt fertilisers.

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Weight 1 kg


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