Home » Irrigation Systems

Irrigation Systems

Bowling green irrigation is one of the areas of bowling green maintenance that raises the most questions.

On the face of it, this appears to be a simple subject; install sprinklers (watering systems), switch them on when it’s dry and the green gets evenly watered and everybody’s happy!

In reality it is a minefield of decisions including; best system design for your green, water storage, watering schedules, when, how and how much to water, green speed, disease, dry patch, thatch etc.

I have assembled some more in-depth information regarding the watering of bowling greens here.

If you need any help with this subject please feel free to drop me a line directly.


  1. ken fuller says:

    irrigation system has stopped working finding it hard to get anybody to look at it can you help we are a club in brentwood essex

  2. PhilVickers says:

    Hi Anthony,
    I have renovated and repaired our system at Penistone. I’m not an expert but willing to pass on any advice.

    Phil Vickers
    Penistone Bowling Club

  3. jeannette Oatway says:

    Does anyone have a legionnaire risk assessment for an irrigation system using main water which is stored in a holding tank. Thanks

  4. Ray says:

    Hi can you advise us, we would like to upgrade our sprinkler system, to our Bowls Club. We are based in west Cornwall, our pump and electrical clocks and switches need replacing, do you know anyone that can help us.

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