Slit tining, solid tining, hollow tining, verti-draining. All of these terms seem to be interchangeable with the word “Spiking” so it can be confusing for the new greenkeeper or green convenor to know what the best approach is at any given time to do the best for their green.
All of these terms relate to the aeration or introduction of air in the green. They all do this by making holes of one kind or another.
When I refer to spiking I usually mean “slit tining” and this is still the best thing you can do to your green through the winter months to relieve the compaction that has built up over the playing season and to keep the green surface open to allow drainage of surface water.
You can get much more detail on the aims of aeration and the techniques used here.
3yrs ago sacked contractor.Work not done. October 3rd-7th we did almost the full range of work required for winter maint’ce. Aeration was missing as we couldn’t hire a machine . Rec’d mower back from servicing yesterday and did a first cut. Grass cuttings were beautiful. Realised that for last 3 years we had been removing “crap”. Club sec said how well green looked. We said, would look better if slit tined. Result- How much to hire machine & then go ahead. This from man always asking “do you have to spend all this cash?” Hope springs eternal!! Keep plugging away.