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PotSi (10 Litre)

Liquid Potsi, natural pest and disease resistance for fine turf

PotSi offers the following benefits:

  • Stronger plant growth, reducing susceptibility to pests and disease
  • Thicker cell walls increase the grass plant's natural defence mechanisms
  • Improved leaf erectness which helps with the control of Annual Meadowgrass and improves green speed and smoothness without lowering the height of cut.
  • Helps control and reduce iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) toxicity, common in sandy rootzones where high salt mineral fertilisers have been deployed in the past.
  • Reduces susceptibility to attack from fungal pathogens like Fusarium and Dollar Spot
  • Reduces susceptibility to attack from root herbivores and sucking insects like Leatherjackets and Chafers
  • Increases resistance to drought, heat and cold stress

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Dealing with Leatherjackets: Chitin v Chlorantraniliprole


TL;DR: Greenkeepers are facing increasing challenges due to climate change, outdated practices, and pest infestations. While Chlorantraniliprole-based insecticides might offer a quick and temporary fix, they disrupt soil microbiology and pose environmental risks. The withdrawal of pesticides, however, presents an opportunity to work smarter and in harmony with nature.

Chitin, found in insect exoskeletons and fungal cell walls, plays a crucial role in soil health. When broken down into chitosan, it enhances plant growth, improves soil structure, and stimulates beneficial soil microorganisms. However, conventional greenkeeping can disrupt these natural processes, leading to a deficiency of beneficial substances like chitosan.

By reducing reliance on artificial inputs and reintroducing natural substances like chitosan, we can restore the soil's natural balance and promote healthier, more resilient turf. Chitosan enhances plant growth and productivity through soil conditioning, plant health stimulation, microbiological associations, biocontrol, and bioremediation. Thus, chitosan plays a multifaceted role in the soil ecosystem, contributing to soil health, plant growth, and disease and pest resistance.

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BioActive KitoPlus Easy (1 litre)

BioActive Kitoplus Easy improved soil microbiology

BioActive KitoPlusTM Easy is an effective soil improver enabling the growth of healthy, vigorous plants of good colour and with the ability to resist damage from abiotic and biotic stresses, diseases and insect pests. This product can improve both the rhizosphere and phyllosphere, and therefore boost beneficial microorganism populations, including mycorrhizae, enabling improved nutrient assimilation.

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Sweat the small stuff, for a high performance bowling  green this year

If your green maintenance budget was cut in half this year what would you do? 

Most clubs when faced with cuts to the greenkeeping budget, will try at all costs to keep the most important work in the plan. Unfortunately, important frequently gets confused with dramatic, which means that the big expense of top-dressing in the spring and autumn usually stays in the plan and I wish it didn’t for all the reasons I’ve explained over many articles.

Meantime, the work deemed less important and which of course is less dramatic is often sidelined or dropped as a result of a fear of what might go wrong if the big, sexy stuff is missed. These big jobs “must be doing a lot of good”, or so the thinking goes, because they’re so expensive and disruptive?

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The Great Top-Dressing Debate

Top Dressing Bowling Green

At its most basic, the answer is that excessive use of sand on bowling greens causes the under lying soil to become inert; lacking life or the complex web of interactions that go to make healthy, high performance turf. The natural balance of the soil/turf ecosystem is upset and the green will never be capable of consistent high performance for as long as the folly of top dressing is allowed to continue.

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Breaking into the Circle of Decline this Autumn


Yes, I'm thinking about Autumn already. Why?, It's all to do with the devastating effect of Localised Dry Patch on many greens this year. I've ever had so many people get in touch. It looks like the more regular occurrence of extreme heat and long dry spells is demonstrating the problem of excessively sandy rootzones, much better than I could ever hope to explain...

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Finding the Sweet Spot in Bowling Green Performance

The sweet spot

The Sweet Spot in greenkeeping is when your green's Physical, Chemical and Biological components come into line to deliver results you couldn't previously have imagined were possible. Hitting that sweet spot is a lot simpler than you might imagine too, as focus on the soil's biology will naturally correct some of the worst Chemical problems and compensate for some of the worst Physical ones. There should be no problem "selling" this idea to your club either as first of all it saves money and secondly it massively improves green performance and consistency.

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