As a budding guitarist of some 40 years with still no sign of blossom, I was somewhat jealous of one of Bowls Central’s customers this week. I had an uplifting message from Reg Rapley from Windlesham Bowls Club in Surrey to say they had a visit from none other than Brian May!
Over to Reg to tell the story:
“After a hedgehog became trapped in our green ditch recently, our Treasurer Chris Hills decided to contact the Save Me Trust. As a result we were privileged and pleased to welcome the world famous Dr Brian May with his Amazing Grace team and a film crew to Windlesham Bowls Club. They were filming a second programme on the Meet The Hedgehog series, to be shown early next year on Channel 5, being presented by Steve Backshall.

Our Club was pleased to assist them in their desire to bring awareness to the plight of these delectable tiny creatures.
We have installed a Hedgehog “Ramp” on the side of our green for any unfortunate inquiring individuals whom then fall into the ditch that surrounds the green, and then cannot escape. It even has signs to assist the Hedgehog to follow to escape. Euan (seen on the ramp here) was originally found trapped on the green this year in the frost and after the Harper Asprey Wildlife Rescue team collected him they asked if we would fit him and his spiky friends a ramp.

The Amazing Grace Team are asking for other bowls clubs to do the same and Dr Brian May presented us with Grace friendly banner.”
Dr Brian May said:
“The proof !!! He can climb out now ! This chap was rescued by Reg, Windlesham Bowls Club official, when he got trapped on the sunken green lawn. After some TLC at Save-Me, he’s fully recovered, and as soon as the heatwave is over he will be back in his familiar patch. But this time safe from entrapment – and safe from poisonous chemicals too. What a great example for Britain to follow – to give hedgehogs a chance to recover.”
In discussion, Reg explained the club’s ethos on greenkeeping with Brian May and the team from Save me Trust, who were impressed to learn that the green is maintained without pesticides.
Reg explained…
”for the first time in 28 years there has been no disease on our green.This is due to using Compost Tea & Liquid Seaweed..We have had many compliments from visiting bowlers & we tell them it is due to Compost Tea and our completely natural approach to greenkeeping. We as a club are also very conscious of the environment and now only use organic use fertiliser on our grass to protect any of the wildlife in our area”
Reg continued:
“The filming was very successful and Brian presented the club with a banner. Brian and Chris fixed the banner to the fence so we can proudly show that our club is wildlife friendly.
We were very fortunate that Brian and his team were more than happy to have a bowling session afterwards”

Find out more about this inspiring project as follows:
#AmazingGrace…halting hedgehog decline one village at a time