Effectively reduces thatch in all sports turf situations
• Optimises organic matter degradation
• Increases humus content in the root zone
• Releases nutrients for plant assimilation
• Improves root zone structure
• Reduces requirement for mechanical thatch removal, so less playing surface disruption
• Prevents build up of excessive organic matter in turf grass surfaces
In the green renovation phase we are mainly concerned with the physical and quick reduction of the existing thatch layer, A process that will create vastly improved soil conditions and will encourage the increase of soil microbial activity.
The thatch dilution delusion...discuss. Can thatch be diluted? If so, is there any benefit in doing so? As with many aspects of modern greenkeeping that have been accepted as fact without evidence, the claims for top-dressing's ability to dilute thatch fly in the face of the science.
Part Organic Fertilisers with a unique blend of rhizo-bacteria and fungi ORGANIC AND PART ORGANIC 12.2.9 50% Organic Slow Release INORGANIC SLOW RELEASE 15.2.15 15% SCU Slow Release 7.0.10 with additional ThatchEating fungi 9.3.14 + 2% Mg + 2%Fe These fertilisers are designed to give immediate growth with a long lasting slow release element. Ideally …